Greetings Mpaninfoo,This is an update on our upcoming events and also to inform you of impending projects needing our attention and action. 2nd Annual Reunion I’m honored to inform you that our 2nd annual old students’ reunion is scheduled for Saturday 26th May 07in New York. Items on the program include:
Adoption of our draft constitution
Articles of incorporation
Elections etc.
A detailed program will be provided later on. Please let’s participate, spread the word and continue to support this worthy cause.We would love all to attend but we appreciate that this is not always possible.If you are unable to attend, you may send your donations/contributions please.Details are below – many thanks.Thanks also to all who have contributed and pledged.Please note that apart from monetary donations we can also help in all ways using our time, talents, words of wisdom etc.
OPASS Issues: A report reaching us from OPASS is quite disheartening. The dormitories which were renovated about two years ago are in pretty bad shape, the bathrooms also need renovation, water shortages is a major issue and the one time state-of-the-art computer lab needs more and new computers.We must not forget the long overdue assembly hall.Mpaninfoo, there is a lot to be done so all hands on deck please. Let’s rise up and honor Mother OPASS. The time has come to give back to make our goal a reality so let’s do this together for “united we stand”. Monthly Dues : Please be reminded of our monthly dues of $10.00 per month and kindly note that payments can be made in installments. Credit card payment on our website will be possible soon, but in the interim if you need our account number to enable wire transfer (ONLY), please contact our Treasurer, Mr. Yaw Asare-Takyi at . All others - checks, money orders etc. should be sent to the address below. Thank you very much and have a great week. NB:Please make your pledges, dues and registration fees payable to: OPASS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA And mail to: OPASS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA P.O. BOX 540598 OPA LOCKA, FL. 33054 U.S.A
The issue of All responding posivetively either in kind or cash to OPASS projects suggestions should be taking seriously.
I am happy Mr Awuah and OPASS North America have placed this issue firmly at the heart of their objectives for the impending meeting.
I met Frank Sakyi over the weekend and he raised the deplorable sanitation nightmare at the OPASS Boys' site where he has the contract presently to build a brand new bathrooms.Do not talk about renovation, to build a brand new bathroom!This sends an important message to us Brothers & Sisters, yet projects seem not to be a popular topic at this forum.That is my candid opinion anyway.I can be wrong or right, but please let us come together this year and at least help resolve this sanitation problem for OPASS.
I suggest only 10 pounds sterling from everyone at this forum presently could do this job.Someone may tell me where my £10.00 or more should be sent to and for this project. Or do you think more pounds? I know it is not easy brethren, but sitting idle unperturbed as an OPASSIAN to hear our junior Brothers & Sisters bathing and ...... outside is also not an option please!
I concur to all that is being said about impending projects and refurbishments for our dear "Alma Mater". This Latin phrase means Bountiful and the report reaching us does not dipict this.
For adhoc purposes can we all without much ado pay this £10.00. If you've ever used those bathrooms please be swift and dutiful about this. Whoever reads this message should please spread the gospel to any Opanyin you know. If needs be please take it upon yourself to collect the money from them and send it to Mr Asare-Takyi. I really feel passionate about this. I happen to do my A'levels at Achimota School and I can emphatically say that all the developments that happen there is by courtesy of the old Akoras and not government assisted.
I also suggest that we set up a fund with one of these investment banks in Ghana for our school. We implore Colins or anyother volunteer to do some investigations about this. then annually we can contribute into this fund and by the time we say Jack, it will yeild so much. This should be a longterm thing however the Bathroom project should be here and now.
Please let's all be brainstorming about this. Someone might have something much more fantastic than my suggestions. Please bring it on...............
Good idea John. I feel this is an opportunity to start or better still revive the UK/Europe group, this way things will be more uniformed and we can work together with North America. Can you take the lead then Snr Otis and then we can all liaise. What do Snr Otis and folks think?
This is great news. This is great. Mr. Dokyi, I don't seem to have your email address. Please drop me or Mr. Takyi a note at and respectively for a word or two.Waiting to hearing from you.
Doreen, thanks for the bold step. Expect a note from us. Let’s keep up the momentum. Take care.