I want to take this opportunity to wish our Motherland a Happy golden Jubilee and more peaceful and prosperous years to come. I think we should all ponder over the contents of the National Anthem, make it meaningful to us and pray that all that it says come to pass for Ghana.
God bless our Homeland Ghana And make our Nation Great & Strong Bold to defend forever the course of Freedon & of Right Fill our hearts with True Humility Make us cherishFearless Honesty And help us to resistoppressors' rule With all our Hearts and Might forevermore.
Yεn ara asaase ni
عyε aboɔden de ma yεn
Mogya na Nananaom hwiegu gya de too hɔ maa yεn
Adu me ne wonso so, seε yεbεyε bi atoa so
Nimdeε ntraso ne apεsεmenkomenya
عdi yεn bra mu dεm ama yεn asaase ho dɔ atomu sε.
ɔman no sεεbεyε yie oo
ɔman no sεεrennyε yie oo
………..ɔmanfo bra na εkyerε
At long last, Ghana, our beloved Country is free forever Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! God bless us all, Amen