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Post Info TOPIC: Response to Peace Maker-Another of Opass' finest
Kwame Anochie

Response to Peace Maker-Another of Opass' finest

Peace Maker,

I think this is a great idea. I know every death is painful but some are even more painful. Nice work on the original posting. I am ready to donate, and I urge all to put "something" into this collection bowl. It is not important if you earn dollars or cedis, lets throw all excuses out of the window......

Peace Maker, If you will let me, I'd like to piggyback off your idea and suggest the same for the Offei-Akoto family. All of us are still smarting from how quickly and unexpectedly he was yanked away from us. We've all said the good and nice things that we could say. Matter of fact, I never saw such outpouring of testimonies about Risky, but the reality remains that he left behind a young wife and THREE children under five. Life is tough in Ghana with both parents, I won't even pretend to imagine how hard it must be for the family now. Some of you may be helping behind the scenes, God richly bless you!

All others, I will take this opportunity to invite you put something together for these two beloved families: Risky's and Alorzo's. Both went into the same noble profession to save lifes, and Risky also died in service to his country.

I am especially calling on the class of 1986 to lead the way. Sr. Asare-Takyi (Treasurer) or Awuah will accept anything that you have for these two class acts. In Ghana, Collins Boafo can coordinate. Please let us hear from you.

P.S. This must be one of my proudest moments as an Opassian, reading Peace Maker's email and seeing all the support. Lets keep it up!!!!


RE: Response to Peace Maker-Another of Opass' finest

   Giving is blessing....... God bless all Opassians.


RE: Response to Peace Maker-Another of Opass' finest


I appreciate the concern shown for the family of our late brother and friend Risky. The fact that Risky is one of the most brilliant personalities ever produced on the Opass soil and also one of the most productive health professionals ever lost by the nation cannot be gainsaid. The spontaneous outpouring of testimonies that dominated the website for several weeks after his untimely death attests to this fact.

The tragic circumstances under which Risky was whisked away from us was enough to win everybody's sympathy. WHAT A TRAGIC LOSS IT WAS. Aboligah, trust me I had Risky at heart when I first thought of Alorzo's endowment fund but I deliberately left it out as a result of some factors I consindered.

I initially thought by putting forward the two names simultaneously some mpaninfo,even though very willing to donate, would be discouraged because of financial problems. Please don't lose sight of the economic hardships being faced by some of us still earning the cedi.

Snr Aboligah, I suggest we use this period to take care of the bereaved family of Alorzo and then on the first anniversary of Risky's death we set up another endowment fund in his memory. By doing it this way the 'tax net' will be widened and the 'collection bowl' will be easily accessible.

Thanks once again for the profound concern expressed.

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