Happy Birthday dear Collins, Happy Birthday to you. Hip Hip Hip, Hooray!!
Many Happy Returns. Hope you have a great day tomorrow (18th December).
I also want to take the opportunity to thank you over and over again for the great work you are doing for OPASS. You do everything out of love not forgetting the time and money. You are the best. May God continue to bless you and yours richly.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the Chor, happy birthday bro, may the Almighty grant you your greatest wish (you know what I mean), may He give you good health (trim your stomach), long life full of prosperity and gigger things. Continue to be the good bro that you are. Merry Christmas too. Your Big Bro, Pagsy
hi DAL & Pagsy, thanks for your words of comfort. i actually forgot about 18th dec. haaaaaaaaa., i'm sure we are getting younger though haaaaaaaaa. surely keep in touch.