Dear Opassians, I was not at the first reunion but was at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. What I've noticed is, apart from the executives and a few other members who come every year for our annual reunions, most people do not come back to the reunions after their 1st time. We see new members every year but the old ones do not come back. My question is, why this trend? With the number of people new opassians that come each yaer, we can easily have 50-60 regular people in the association if we'll keep coming back every year, (just take a look at the reunion pictures). The only time we're able to raise any money for the school is at the reunions so why are we not returning if our goal is to help opass? Do people have personal issues or the reunions have not been organized to their taste? What's going on old students of GREAT OPASS?. I believe we can do better next year since we'll be planning for our golden jubilee. We need to start early, may be now. ANY IDEAS WHY PEOPLE DON"T COME BACK?. We need to fix whatever it is to encourage people to come back to the reunions.
WELL SAID, EDNA !!!! We really want to know what every old or current student has to offer. COMMENTS, SUGGESTIONS, IDEAS, PROVERBS, EXPRESSIONS, CRITICISM and I mean any INPUT is welcome. We are doing well as an Association, but I know and believe we can do better if we put our heads together. Two heads are better than one, better yet more heads with ideas and assistance will be AWESOME. Thanks to y'all. GOD BLESS US ALL.
Sister Edena, the four re-Union was my first time, and I did have a lot of fun, so I dont know why mpanifoo dont come back, but we are going find the solution. What we need to do is constantly communicate with each other and see what is going on.
Mpanifoo, we just have to know coming together and meeting old friends is very great. Opass, had made us what we are today, so if we have to come together and give back to our alma marta should not be a pull of teeth. Mr Ben, had made it possible for us to communicate, mpanifoo just come on the site and let us know you guys are still existing. Opass 50, should be the time all mpanifoo has to show their gratitude to the great opass, so mpanifoo let us know where you guys are hiding.
As the new PRO, of the North America Assoc., I am going to work hard to get more people for our next re- union. All mpanifoo in North America, I will be calling you, therefore expect my call and dont ignore me. Please read the forum and send your comments, Opass will love to hear from you.
During our last reunion, Major started very well by apportioning the country into segments of which I will be handling the East coast. What I will be doing is to make constant contacts with every OPASSIAN within my domain. If this is duplicated in other areas, it will help bring more folks into the fold. I was not in attendance of the first reunion because I had travelled to Ghana, but after attendiing the 2nd reunion, I've told myself never to subsequent ones. Bringning more people along will depend on each one of us, especially those of us who are more dedicated.
A questionnaire to the alumni would be the answer. A more focused survey, for all alumni, including all those who came last time and the new ones might probably unluck the puzzle. This will help improve your alumni events and communications.
Dear Otis, Thanks for your suggestion. Survey will be a wonderful tool to use to find out why people don't return to reunions but we don't have the resources to do that. We'll need volunteers to come up with the questions and analyse the results. The manpower is just not there.
My goal in raising this topic is for people to start thinking about why they did not return. Apart from being a day set aside to raise money for Opass, its very therapeutic meeting old friends and having fun. Just ask Snr Oduro, Bugyei and Henkins. It's one day of the year I've devoted not to worry about my hectic life. I just go and have fun.
Let's do the right thing next year by just showing up. We can give 1001 reason why we cannot come. Planning early can help. If money is the issue, start by joining a SUSU group from an area near you. I promise by the time summer is here, it'll be your turn to collect, problem solved. This plan applies to the Europeans also. Come and see how Americans have fun. We'll return the favor.