Congrats to the innovators of this site..kudos! Brilliant idea! if anyone knows the where about of Belinda Dei and Joseph Donkor, I will like to keep intouch. Kenny
..both were in the class of '86. However Belinda Dei left for the USA in 1993. Belinda Dei had a cousin, Mr.F. Dei in the class of '84..can't remember exact the first name(Philis or Felix). Furthermore where can I find Aryeh Thompson(aka Mashnini) same class of '86? Finally if anyone can provide the contact number of the present Headmaster or the Assistant it will be appreciated. KAY
..correction: Belinda left in 1983 not '93 at F2 to the States. JoeDee, Mickey Mouse, (Nana Boateng)SlimBuster, Marlon Stone, Apinogo, Adofo, etc, if you guys happen to read, you can link up