The thread or topic, "lost friend" was not only hilarious, but also the best ever we have ever had on this forum. Very unfortunate that I came late to that party, but hey, my ribs were breaking and my bronchioles were collapsing from laughter; it was that damn good. With that in mind, I thought something good should come out that exciting exchanges and while I was sleeping, lo and behold, the good Lord whispered into my ears- marriage, marriage, marriage, marriage.
This very thread or topic therefore is about a marriage proposal between the main characters in "lost friend:" DD and GO. However, for this proposal to take roots, we have to find out if any of them is attached or not. If even one is attached, I will apologize and call off this proposal. Sister Edna would take that opportunity to share a beer with these wonderful people in June when those in North America meet. If none of them is attached, Insha Allah, this would be a "perfect match" made in Heaven and approved by Old Opassians on this forum. The wedding should take place in Kukurantumi or New Tafo. Sis Edna would be the bridesmaid and Otis would be the best-man. So sister Edna, find out for us and let's know if Akwasi Amankwa Kristosom ni, like me did really hear from God.
With all jokes aside, methinks, Doris brought out something good we should learn from, and that is the anonymities of some posters. Not that it is frustrating, but it drains the hell out of you. You sometimes begin to go back to the memory lane and begin to think out loud; What is the NAME of this person? What YEARS did s/he attend Opass? What HOUSE was s/he in? Who were his or her CLASSMATES? Where is her or his NEW LOCATION now? What is his or PROFESSION now? In view of this, can we please ask true Opassians when they post here to:
1- Write their full NAME (required)
2- Write the YEARS they attended Opass. (required)
3- Tell us the their HOUSES. (required)
4- Tell us about their NEW LOCATION (required)
5- Tell us about his or new Profession (optional)
6- Any other classmates (optional)
By the way, BEN needs to give more space for the name section. But, for example, this is how it will be:
"Kobina Obeng = Gideon Obeng. Period." - George Aikins 78/83 Sao Paulo
LOL! No, Kobina Obeng is no Gideon Obeng. I think Dr. Gideon lives in Ireland or so and probably had his O and A levels at that great Institution. I will be in NewFie ( freezing over here) for a few weeks for a special assignment and go back to our motherland. I was in Opass only from 75/80. And some of my mates were- Cecil, Mireku, Ansah, Boadu. Mombala ? (from Angola), who left for Cuba, Nana Bekoe (May he rest in peace), Ohene Kena, George Boateng, Larbi, Forster, Evelyn (?) Amankwa, Mabel and some wonderful ladies I can't remember their names now. I was blessed to see some great athletes of Opass; like Wonana, K. Dua (may he rest in peace), Mary Manu. Sandy, Ocansey. Also, it was during our time that "Oboroni" led, I believe, the Mysterious Underground Movement (MUM) to overthrow the Student Council for our Mock Parliament. He, Obroni (H2), instantly became JJRawlings and his group ruled the School for I week. Anyone remember that? What a great time to remember.
Again, see how it was easier to identify yourself by giving us your name, the years and where you are located now. I hope BEN gives us more space for the Name column to identify ourselves well. Houses and Rooms that will also help us. Almost after 30 years of leaving Opass, little things like that will help our aged brain cells to fight sporadic mental blocks or memory lost we do suffer. Hehehe.
By the way, we await for Gideon's response and see whether my "dream" was sent by God or TB Joshua.
Sister DD opass is very proud of you, you had shown great commitment by paying your fine and dues. We the board of north america branch of the assocition once again congratulate you and God bless you and he will multiply your commitment.
Sister DD I want to recorrect my memories, are you the sister who lost a brother in form one through one of the JJ COUP DETA, in Cantoment, Accra. Mathew Ashong Darkwa( may his soul rest in peace). lf you are the one, you were very quite nice lady, light skin, and wear glasses, I hope my memories are correct, l will see you at the re-union.
S'man. you are correct for 10 points.We were very close first cousins. I really miss him around X'mas time.This takes me right back, it's been a long time but it seems to me like just yesterday. You're very good in the memory lane indeed. Have a blessed holidays,best regards to you.
Kobina Obeng: 75/80;H3RB, NFLD
"I'd be the maid of honor if this was possible. DD is happily married and a mom of 4 kids. I think Gideon is married too." by Sister Edna.
Thank you, sister Edna. I think I owe you big time; you have helped me to realize that I did not hear from God and the dream came as a result of being stuck in this miserable place called Newfoundland. But, please don't forget to share a beer with them on my behalf ala Obama, Gates and Crowley style. And for the one and only DD on the forum and Dr. Gideon, accept my apologies for being a horrid guy.
Before, you close this docket on me, may I answer your question and ask you a question?
To your question- such a marriage would last VERY, VERY LONG TIME. Here we have Mrs. Nice-but-cud-care-less and Dr. Nice-cum- Perfecto coming together. Obviously, you could see the opposite forces here; will they attract or repel? You know the right answer, Sister Edna. Forget about all the hollywood or Texaswood stuff you hear about marriages,- having things in common - it does not work that way. Remember when Halle Berry and Dave Justice were saying good stuff about themselves and their marriage like, we have everything in common, he makes me smile all the time, it is a match made in heaven, God actually sent this person in my life, blah blah blah; Did it work? Don't forget that "To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." It means, Mrs would have given it back to Mr. anytime there was an action; and here we are not talking about living room fights, but more importantly, the bedroom fights, So, there. hehehe...
Toli aside, did you only attend Opass from 82 to 84 (A'levels)?
Forumers, please forgive me oooo, I am stuck in the snow here and have no life, except to wake up and attend this conference and other seminars every morning. That is why I am on this forum now. I will be leaving next week and you will have your forum back. I will try to visit more often and make sure I become a better Opassian by paying my dues wherever I find myself.
Thank you all and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
You make my side hurt from laughing. You are sooo funny. I'll not close the "docket" on you. I think those 2 people were trying to kill each other and as a mother, I just couldn't sit on the side and watch that happening. Both accepted my olive branch and FOR NOW, I think there's peace.
I attended opass from 1977-1984. Some of my class mates are Cobbold, Okwampa, Dereck Amakye, Bona Newman, Felicia Abrokwa, Charity Denkyi, etc, etc. I didn't mean to be selective but these are the names that come to mind.
I feel sorry for you in Newfoundland this time of year and I am happy you've found this forum to amuse you after your conferences. This site has never been this exciting until these "couple" started engaging each other.
Email me @ and I'll get in touch with you by phone.