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Post Info TOPIC: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)
Yaw koranteng

Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)


In our desire to help, motivate and keeping the OPASS flame alive, I would like to introduce the "Books Afloat Project". This project will enable all OPASSIANS to donate a book to help restore, maintain our libary and incite the reading habit of our fellow OPASSIANS in-residence and keep the "smiling" afloat.

Please let's discuss this project. Let me know what you think.

Please start packing all your old books, This project will stem in different phases.

Thanks for your support and cooperation,

Yaw Koranteng

Kwame Ohene Dokyi

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Hello Mr Koranteng

I would like to suggest you pick your targeted audience. For instance, I have picked my 85 year group for the Watertank Project.

I know you prefer to address the wider OPASSIANS. That is fine, but with this general apathy, your noble idea would be just like the white elephant ones.

I am sharing this with you and everyone because with my so called targeted audience not much progress on that front.

This is my humble suggestion to you. Let us talk.



Yaw koranteng

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Hi Kwame,

Thanks for the update. I hope more people will heed to the call.


RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Mr. Dokyi, I was on campus this past February and the Headmaster told me that due to the availability of a borehole and the overhead tank, OPASS does not have water problem anymore. I will suggest you choose another target to avoid duplication of effort. I highly commend you on your effort. Keep the spirit up.

Kwame Ohene Dokyi

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Dear Comrade

Excellent point mate. It is only a proposal at the moment though!

Let me know who you are. You may assist us in so many ways.

Thank you.


Charles Arthur

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Yes Kwame, it is true that Opass does not need water containers at the moment. I have visited and spoken to the headmaster on so many occassions and he has always told me that currently water is not a problem, so the previous contributer is right. Thanks


RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Dear Mr Arthur,

We have not heard from you in a while. Thanks for writing. I just want to know what OPASS need right now. We cannot build an assembly hall and neither can we pave roads.

What smaller projects does the adminstration need that we the former students can help with? It appears that they have huge expectations from us because most of their WANTS are big projects we cannot afford. We want to know what the NEEDS of the school are we will present them when we meet in June.

Thank you for your great leadership iskills in the association.

Charles Arthur-Sandy-74/76, H1

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Hi Edna, infact I don't know what to say. I have met the headmaster and the PTA chairman and it looks as if their singular desire is to try and complete the assembly hall. We the old students back home, during our february meeting, invited the PTA chairman and we had a very fruitful discussions with him, after which some of us were sent to the school to meet the headmaster for him to brief us on the situation at the school and that of the assembly hall. After that meeting with the headmaster we also invited the architect who is also an old student to our march meeting, who explained that our task is to erect the pillars before the roofing,so we were again asked to form a technical and a strategic groups to come up with the cost of erecting a pillar, and how to identify people within and outside Ghana who can give us some helping hand.Our next meeting will be in may, 23 2010. We will then listen to the two comittee members and act accordingly.

Kwame Ohene Dokyi

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Dear Folks

I do not understand this concept. So, if we do not channel our resources towards the completion of the Assembly Hall before or after the Golden Jubilee, the School Authorities and the PTA would not sanction any project for the school by the Alumni- 1985 Year Group for instance?

I would like someone to clarify this point for me. Mr Arthur, would you?

Thank you.

Mr Dokyi

Stephen Oduro

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Sandy, it seems people are hooked to the idea that the assembly hall is more important than any other thing. During our last executive meeting, we were given a wish list and I was very much disappointed because none of the items on the list will in any way enhance the academic performance of the school. I'm yet to be convinced that an assembly hall will propel OPASS to the top academically. I'm more inclined to accept and support the necessities than the nice-to-have syndrome. Here is a situation that those of us in the US had sent computers and other accessories to the school to set up an ultra modern computer center, and after 7 months, they are still in their original boxes. It's very frustrating and this attitude does not encourage people to help in other laudable issues. We are more interested in necessities than those nice-to-haves. Thank you.


RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Dear Sandy,

Thanks for your insight, it's very informative. My take is that until we see those computers we sent set up and in use, it's going to be difficult for us to believe the headmaster really needs anything. At this stage of our association life, we do not have the financial footing to help build an assembly hall . Mr Headmaster has to be realistic and lower his expectations for former students outside the country.

Once again we cannot help build an assembly hall, neither can we pave roads. What are his NEEDS? An assembly hall to me, is a WANT.

Yaw Koranteng

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

H Folks,

This boils down to my initial frustration when I saw the pictures posted by RASH. I made a lot of contributions through suggestions on this portal. My deep concern was to engage in projects that will stimulate the student population for now. If only we can achieve this minimal results I think it will enhance other old school mates to step forward and assist.

The Assembly hall is a great project, but I do not think it is realistic looking at the overall depletion of other structures and buiildings. "It is nice to have a newer car, but it is of no good if you can not help maintain it".

Right now, I am setting up the "Books Afloat" project which I believe will have a little impact on the school. I have not contacted the steering commitee on this project yet, I just want to see the interest from the old student population and move on to the next phase.

I may have issues with the present leadership at the helm of the school, it is in my humble belief that they look outside the "box".

Yaw Koranteng

Charles Arthur-Sandy-74/76, H1

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Hi Brothers and Sisters,in the first place, I do not have any authority over the decision on what an old student or a group of old students want to do for the school.I was just articulating what I have been told by the headmaster. This is not to say that different people can't have different point of view. I know for a fact that one year group wants to build a first aid edifice for the school to house sick students. I believe that there is no way the school will refuse anybody who wants to contribute books, furniture,etc. Please let nobody prevent you from doing what you want to do for the school. Regarding the computers, I understand the school wants to secure the computer room before they take them there.

Yaw Koranteng

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Hi All,

Let's keep this discussion alive. I believe it is a healhty debate.

Please talk/contact your year group, friends, Non-OPASSIANS to support the "Books Afloat" project.

Let's stimulate the future minds,

Yaw Koranteng 84H4


RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Dear Yaw,

What type of books are you looking for and where do we send them?

Yaw Koranteng

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Hi Edna,

Nice to hear from you. For now the main focus will be the collection of

1. Reference/Encyclopedia (in the sciences)

2. Books on Business subjects etc

3. Periodicals etc.

4. Educational materials on CD (mathematics; English lexis and structure) or any educational material that is appropriate for distribution. We have to be selective on the genre when it comes to multimedia materials

Once we assess the impact/(feedback) from the school's authority then we can expand the project to another level. The project will be segmented. I believe this will in a small way affect the student population.

Let's see how it will pan out.

Collection Point:

I am relocating to the US this summer, so I will spearhead the collection of the materials in the US. I will touch bases with the folks in the UK for their assistance (especially Mensah Bonsu, Ed Amofa, Ohene-Dokyi etc)


I will also seek help from local (community) libraries around Austin, San Antonio area (TX) for some of the "excess" materials they may have in stock.


Once we determine the number of donors (OPASSIANS; Non-OPASSIANS) and location then we can set up the collection point to package the materials. My family and friends will incur the cost of shippment. My Dad is passionate about this project.

Please let me know what you think.

Thanks for your support and cooperation

Yaw Koranteng 84H4

Yaw Koranteng

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)


I know most libraries are gearing towards digital archives and information retrieval applications or systems. We have a long way to achieve this goal, I encourage every OPASSIAN irrespective of "school year/year group" to remember when you were in first year(form one) comtemplating over when the final O and A level and the SSS final exams will take place. I know everyone was itching to migrate from that enviroment.

Now is our time to support and ensure our fellow OPASSIANS will not travel through the same corridors of despair, frustration (acute mental pain of why am I her) - that we travelled many many many years ago. We must ensure they enjoy their time while in residence.

I think education has done a lot of good than harm to many OPASSIANS, despite the hardships, cries, midnight bullying and all the other fun stuff we did. It was amazing, but it is now history - Old glory.

Please take two steps backwards, reflect on the "positive things" when you were in OPASS.

My daughter (my good buddy), has always been wondering why I keep mentioning my alma mater. I told her you are here because of OPASS. She is still not convinced. We are still debating. I know I will win the debate . lol

Please show your support, I know we are chattering a difficult economiic down turn, but we can make a change.

On the side note, does any one know where Edward Ofori Attah ('85); Juliet Ntiamoah ('83) and Naa Adoam Asare (I believe she left in '81 to England) are hiding? Please help me locate this fine OPASSIANS!!!!!!!!!

Yaw Ofosu-Koranteng 84H4

DD (83,H2)

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Yaw, call me on (301)452-2729

Yaw Koranteng 84H4

RE: Books Afloat (OPASS Books Project)

Hi DD,

I will contact you soon.

Yaw Koranteng 84H4

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