I'm appalled by the webmaster's decision to pull off the "we hail thee" discussion from the forum. People should be allowed to express their ideas as long as no insults are involved.
Mr. Somuah, I'm not against freedom of expression/speech in any way. Let's remember that "Nye aboa ne kwasea nkoa ne ye". Responses to Otis' question (which I also believe came from the same person) were uncalled for. We are not going to tolerate that here. Ben
Mr. Somuah, this forum was created for well intended purposes and you should not be 'appalled' for any reason when the Webmaster finds it fit to pull something he deems offensive. Yes, free speech is paramount but free speech comes with reponsibility. In every society, there are rules and regulations and ALL abide by them. You can't come in and dictate to the rest of us what we should or should not accept. Hopefully you can understand and appreciate the sentiments of the greater population.