It is long time hearing from one another. We have been silent far too long. Wake up, Brethren.
What is going on with our proposal concerning our great school's anniversary? The discussions and suggestions seem to be dying down slowly.
Awake, awake, wake up from your slumber moments. Let us all come together and help OPASS. Who knows, had it not been OPASS, where would we have been? Probably, most of us would have ended up as drug addicts, hardened criminals, you can name them. Let us consolidate and concretise this movement. Thank you.
The problem is the mention of money robs most opassians on the wrong spot. Most of them have great ideas but want somebody else to implement them. They have ideas but no plans.
I wish that we (opassians) who brag about our Alma mater so much will realize that it'll take money to help HER right now. The jubilee is already upon us and most Opassians have not contributed a dime as of yet.
Something is clearly missing concerning the coming jubilee celeberations. So far, I have not seen any coherent plan towards the occassion. We keep on hearing some buildings need renovations, the classrooms need furniture, the roads need pavement etc. These do not help any way to have a proper organization. When monies are being collected, they must be targeted else people like me will sit on our hands. The last time I spoke with the headmaster, I tried to impress upon him that a committee should be set up and the response that was the school board was going to be re-constituted before the jubilee committee will be formed. I restpected his analogy by totally disagreed because time is not on our side. I still hold the view that we must have a committee that will steer the affairs of the jubilee plans. We should not underestimate how much this is going to be involved unless it's not going to be grand. Brothers and Sisters, let's wake up and come up with a plan towards the jubilee celeberations. Golden jubilee happens ONLY ONCE and therefore needs to be well planned.
I am happy to hear you guys waking up to this topic again. Thanks to you all. Bottom line, the concept of planning or setting objectives implies that we have some resources ( material, technological,human and financial ).Since resources are always scarce, then the need for planning so as to achieve uptimum use of these resources.Two of the above mentioned resources are the driving force to achieving objectives- human and financial.Human resource we opassians have in abundance, but the FINANCIAL-FA ME TU NO- is the problem, so let the cash flow, and I can assure you that the school administration will put it in good use for us.The happy news is that the basement of the assembly hall has been partitioned to take six classrooms and the expansion of the dinninghall is almost completed. The additional students will fit the dinninghall, they will have classrooms and dormetaries. Please come and help financially.
Hi Joseph, my name is Charles Arthur-Sandy , I was in opass from 1969 to 1976.Iam in Ghana and my email is Please let me know where are and ypur mobile/cellphone number and I will get to you. You can get me on cell number - 233-208110264/233-262183908.