Mr Headmaster what are you doing about our golden jubilee? I learnt you have not even set up a commitee,are we going to celebrate this precious time this year which is due for, then you need to do something by now. Hey the assistant headmasters who are opassians, you guys should act upon something and dont wait on this headmaster because he is waisting time and I can guess he don't care if this celebration comes on or not. Guys, you have to know that this is our time to come together and make this work, share your comments.
Hi Fellow Opanin, Please feel safe to identify yourself so that we can have useful discussions. I passed the school last saturday and i realised there was a PTA meeting going on so lets continue to push for more info so that we can plan well towards a successful anniversary. "Mo ma yen ko so nforo ........ " Hope you remember that song!