Opass UK, I think it's high time we do things properly. I am very sure our mates in the US did not collect this huge sum within just a month. They started a long time ago. We always seem to be doing things on ad hoc basis. For instance if there's to be a meeting, we're just given a very short notice. By the time most of us get to hear about it, the meeting has already taken place.
Apart from sending messages via email and facebook, I think there should also be a compillation of phone numbers. So that text messages can be sent around.
It is my opinion that the submission of our donation to the school is delayed till somewhere next year, by which time we would have been able to collect an appreciable amount.
Please if u happen to see this message, and u have not thought of donating, please think again. This is our school. Please dig deep and also spread the word.