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To:        MPAYINFO

From:    MARTHA NYINAKU (Secretary)


Date:     6/12/2006


Reunion and Inaugural Ceremony Report

In Attendance:


Charles and Dorothy (Amfo) Appiah – VA,     Kwame Anochie – CA,  Eric Asiamah – FL, Martha Nyinaku – NY, Kingsley Lartey (Dr.) – OH , Kennedy Obeng Sefa (Pastor) – NY, Eric Asa (Dr.) – ND, Samuel Quaye – MD, Asare-Nyarko – MD, Lucy Asare-Nyarko – MD, Fred Twum-Acheampong (Major Ret) – NJ, Yaw Takyi – OH, Adjoa Kani – VA, Angelyn Bannor – NY, Kwabena Amo-Nyarko – NY, Yvonne Sampong – NY, Fredua Agyeman – MD, Emmanuel Osafo – NJ, Grace Asante – VA, Kwame Asamoa(Dr. ) – GA, Ben Awuah – CO, Doris (Ofori) Awuah – C0, Kwame Tuffour – GA, Priscilla Amfo – VA, Ebenezer Mireku – ONT. Canada,  Alex Agyemang – PA, D. Vida Somuah – MD, Henry Van-Eck – MD, Kofi Norris MD, Jayne Ampadu – CT, and Yaa Asare-Nyarko – MD.  

The long awaited reunion in the Diaspora finally came to pass. The outstanding alumni members all over the four corners of the United States and Canada attended the all important meeting. It was an electrifying and exciting moment. The agenda was primarily the inauguration and election of an interim executive committee who would oversee the affairs of the association. This was strictly adhered to, and by the grace of God; the meeting took off with great contributions from everyone.  

1. The meeting commenced at 2:30 PM with an opening prayer by Pastor Kennedy Obeng Sefa. 

2. A prominent member, Dr. Kingsley Lartey was the MC for the occasion. 

3. Mr. Ben Awuah, a principal, founding member of the association, gave a background account of how the association was started.  He also introduced members of the Planning Committee and outlined briefly the planning and preparations that have taken place prior to the meeting. 

4. The next item on the agenda was an open forum which was categorized in four parts. 

Ψ       Fund Raising - There were a lot of discussions as to how best to raise funds for the association 

  1. Major (ret) Twum-Acheampong moved for monthly member dues of $10. Motion was seconded and passed.
  2. Mr. Kwame Anochie on the other hand stated that we should make payments twice in a year.
  3. Pastor Kennedy reiterated that, payment of dues was critical because it makes one committed  to the association
  4. Mr. Samuel Quaye remarked that dues that, due collected would be used purposely for administering the affairs of the association, and then later on we could solicit funds from elsewhere to finance projects initiated by the association.
  5. Dr. Asa, on the other hand said that our monthly dues would compensate for the registration fees for upcoming reunions.
  6. Majority of those present decided that during subsequent reunions, we should be ready to appeal for funds to finance projects in the school.
  7. Ms Yvonne Sampong suggested that we should maintain an accurate record of our membership.  

Ψ      Name of Association and Registration – After lively discussions on a formal name for the organization, a motion was passed to name it OPASS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF NORTH AMERICA.

  1. Mr. Yaw Takyi then said that, now that the name of the association has been established, an account should be opened in the name of the organization.
  2. Mr. Fredua Agyemang drew the attention of the group to the fact that once the association was registered a tax ID can be obtained within a day or two to enable a legitimate account to be opened.
  3. With that said, Major (Ret) Twum vouched to assist with the registration documents and subsequent opening of the account for the association.
  4. Mr. Eric Asiamah said that we need to start searching for ways and means to reach out to donor agencies to raise funds for the association.

Ψ       Election of officials -

  1. Major (Ret) Twum-Acheampong and Mr. Ben Awuah were both nominated as possible leaders of the association but Major (Ret) Twum-Acheampong declined it, with the notion that one of the planning committee members should be appointed as the president since they had done such a great job.
  2. Mr. Amo-Nyarko agreed to what Major Twum said, and added that all members of the planning committee should be given the mandate for at least one year so they could continue what they had started.
  3. Mr. Ben Awuah subsequently elected as the president, which he accepted.
  4. Mr. Charles Appiah was nominated and elected as the vice president.
  5. Ms. Martha Nyinaku, as secretary.
  6. Mr. Yaw Asare Takyi, as treasurer and
  7. Dr. Lartey was elected as the organizer of the association. 

 The following members were also elected as the ambassadors.

a.   Major Twum-Acheampong - Northeast

      Mr. Emmanuel Osafo – Assistant

b.    Mrs. Doris (Ofori) Awuah – Mid-West

c.    Mr. Eric Asiamah – South East Coast

       Dr. Asamoa --- Assistant

d.     Mr. Amo-Nyarko – New York


Ψ       Other Issues - Members discussed how best the officials could move the association forward. Some items discussed were:

  1. Acquiring a tax ID for the association,
  2. Drawing a draft constitution for the association
  3. Contacting the school administration and the sister association in Ghana to find out what projects can be undertaken in the school and that are of utmost urgency.
  4. Dr. Asa suggested that a credible list of members should be in place to enable better networking.

Mr. Yaw Asare Takyi made the motion for the meeting to be adjourned at about 4:45 PM. Motioned passed. Pastor Obeng Sefa closed the meeting with a prayer. 

The MC then advised that members show up early for the inauguration.



Evening Event


1. The evening program was started at about 10:15 PM with an opening prayer by Ms. Grace Asante. The MC then introduced the chairman, Mr. Asare Nyarko and his wife (Lucy, also an OPASSIAN), the keynote speaker, Major (ret) Twum-Acheampong and his wife, and Nana Akosua Buor (Akyemfohemaa – Okyemankuo of Washington Metro Area), who helped chaired the program.

 2. The elected officials were introduced and then applauded. Mr. Awuah then gave a short speech in thanking members for giving him and the executive members the opportunity to lead the organization to the next level and promised to execute the assigned tasks with diligence and dedication. He was hopeful that the executives could count on everyone’s cooperation and assistance for the initial sacrifices and efforts needed to get the association on its feet.

3. Major (ret.) Twum-Acheampong then gave a powerful speech. The speech was basically centered on how the school has helped each one of us and how best we could give back to our Alma Mater. A copy of the speech is posted at 

4. An appeal for funds was led by Mr. Amo-Nyarko with the assistance of Dr. Asa. Their marvelous job enabled the association to raise about $5000.00 through pledges and monies paid up-front.  

5. There were raffle drawings for prizes that included state of the art DVD players, an electric iron, a cordless phone and many other prizes which brought in over $300.00 profit. All members formed a circle to perform an electrifying dance move to climax the occasion, not leaving out the good food and music. Apparently, everyone enjoyed the evening very much. 

6. The Secretary, Martha Nyinaku gave a vote of thanks to end this all important occasion. 

This was a warm and refreshing conference which came to a successful end.  It couldn’t have gotten any better, thanks be to God who held all things in place.  In all, the evening session was interspersed with good music, dancing and food. About 120 people, including members and guests attended the evening function. The function ended at 3:00 AM.



Kwame Ohene - Dokyi


Congratulations to all members.


This is fantastic achievement and a good example to all of us.


Please maintain the initial unity without end.


Thank you.



Charles Arthur


I wish to congratulate you all for the great reunion, and the the efforts and time spent to make this event a memorable one. I hope that as you stretch your arms to the rest of our brothers and sisters in the North America , you will do same to those on the European continent.

Greeting to all executives.

Samuel Asiedu Asare


Sorry I missed the reunion by the skin of the tooth. I am in Town (New York ) on vacation from Ghana and got here on 27th May, just good (rather bad) enough to miss the great occasion. You may hit me on or telephone 718-731-7379 before July 2 or 233-243-821151 after that. This is Samuel Asiedu Asare (Class of 81.) Greetings from Mpaninfo in Ogyakrom.

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