Kwabena Amo-Nyarko
Kwame Anochie
Charles Appiah
Kwame Asamoah (Dr.)
Yaw Asare-Takyi
Eric Asiamah
Ben Awuah
Martha Nyinaku (Minutes)
Fred Twum-Acheampong (Major rtd.)
The initial executive conference call took place on Saturday, June 10, 2006. The agenda was as follows:
1. Status of Registration / Tax-exempt Documentation
2. Draft Constitution
3. Financial Issues
4. Appointment of Public Relation Officers
5. Goals
6. Other Matters
6.1 Next Reunion
6.2 DVD Recording of Reunion
7. Closing
The meeting, which commenced at 1pm and ended at 2.30 pm (EST), was chaired by the President, Mr. Ben Awuah.
1. Status Of Registration And Tax-Exempt Documentation
Prior to the meeting, Major (Rtd.) Twum-Acheampong sent an email to the executive committee regarding the status of our IRS Tax Exempt application. The email stated that an employer’s identification number had been approved and on hand, and that he (Major Twum-Acheampong) will be working together with Mr. Charles Appiah and Mr. Yaw Asare-Takyi to complete IRS form 501(c).
2. Draft Constitution
Major Twum-Acheampong also sent in a copy of our draft constitution from a template provided to the executive by the president for discussion. The executive deliberated on the draft constitution, made some amendments, which would be discussed further and then presented at our next general meeting for adoption. He also mentioned in his email that it is important for us to design our own unique logo and motto and this should be distinct from that of OPASS.
3. Finance : Report/Status and Appointment of Financial Secretary
Mr. Awuah had earlier prepared and made available to the executive committee, a comprehensive financial statement. The committee discussed this and agreed to make the record available to all members later on; meanwhile, steps are being taking to open an account for the association.
Mr. Yaw Asare-Takyi briefed the group on the duties of the treasurer. He explained that the treasurer would work hand in hand with the financial secretary to separate the functions of cash receipts and banking activities against transaction payments, accounting, tax returns, preparation of financial statements etc.
Mr. Asiamah was appointed as the financial secretary.
Dr. Asamoah expressed concern that too much exposure of our account can hurt the association in many ways; therefore, the association should be careful in dealing with its financial issues. Mr. Asare-Takyi suggested that we give out financial statement to members once every year, after it has been audited. Ms Nyinaku also suggested that the executive could come up with a password that can be used by registered members only, should they need access to our financial statement and other vital information.
4. Appointment of Public Relations Officers
Appointment of a Public Relations Officer: The committee deliberated on the functions of a PRO, and amended the draft constitution to reflect his/her duties. After some deliberation, Mr. Henry Narh Debrah was nominated as the PRO and Mr. Amo-Nyarko as his assistant.
5. Goals of the Association
The meeting discussed long and short-term goals and Mr. Asare-Takyi proposed that the committee uses the first year for membership-drive. This was seconded by Mr. Anochie and the committee agreed. Ms Nyinaku also added that it is very important to get well established before embarking on any projects/issues at home.
6.1. Next Reunion
The committee decided that it is important to start planning for our next reunion. 26th May 2007 was chosen as the date to coincide with the Labor Day weekend. On possible venues, Virginia and New York City were on top of the list. Dr. Asamoah was a little concerned about the weather condition in NY around that time of the year. Major (ret) Twum-Acheampong was of the opinion that the committee sends out a message to members to vote on a date and venue, Mr. Anochie pointed out that, left to a general consensus, this issue will be dragged for a very long time due to different schedules and suggested that the committee should commit to the date and venue discussed earlier (26th May, 2007 - NY). Mr. Amo-Nyarko offered to contact Ms. Yvonne Sampong (an old student) who works in a hotel in NY and find out how she can help in getting us a ballroom and package deals for members who might need hotel accommodation. The committee gave him the go-ahead to start negotiations for 20 guests and report to the group at his earliest convenience. The committee then decided to start exploring to have an idea of the number of members who would be interested in hotel accommodation before committing to any financial obligations for obvious reasons.
6.2. DVD of Reunion
Mr. Appiah briefed the committee on the status of the DVD recording of the just ended reunion. Plans are underway to make copies to be sold to interested members. Major Twum-Acheampong reminded us to try our best to compile all pictures taken at the function and distribute/post at our website.
7. Closing
Mr. Awuah motioned for the meeting to come an end. Mr. Appiah seconded and the meeting adjourned and agreed to reconvene the following weekend to deliberate further on the draft constitution.