After reading the message from Chorchor the other day,I asked myself if it was Risky the dining hall prefect.The one who used to hang out with Paul Cooper the school prefect?Actually I don't remember the last time I saw Risky but one incidence keep lingering on my mind.Risky came to my house one morning in an old car which he told me belonged to his late father. "Roy" as he use to call me,"accompany me to Koforidua to buy a part for my car".We went to Koforidua not just for the spare parts but had some good good time.I didn't spend a dime.I'm talking of a senior who always saw himself and his juniors as equals.I don't ever remember calling Risky 'Senior Offei Akoto' or 'Senior Risky'.It's hard to find guys like this.Risky is one guy I had wanted to meet anytime I go to Ghana.Now DEATH has laid its icy hands on him.My condolence goes to his Mum,wife,kids and all members of his family.Frankly speaking we've lost a dear one.It's still hard for me to believe.