As per recent development i.e. proposed year group links, I hereby nominate myself as the "unopposed web assistant" when the link is created. Be nice to me!!!!
I think I support your intention to assist the webmaster. As u try organising the 88 year group I also want u to double as Organiser to link up all opassians in europe. U may start with the UK branch and link up with frank Sakyi to coordinate |Germany for u. I trust u can handle that.
God Bless U
Meanwhile let me start the 88 year group list for u
do u remember................. Assou Clement - Ogbororo Bernice Arko Oduro Agyei Philip Ofosu Martha Nyinaku Doris Ofori / Ben Awuah Charles Frimpong - Joe Paves Patrick Affram Doris Affram Anita Aikens Sandra Yeboah Lina Darkwa Aboah Ayisi Isu Dadzie Mark Afrifa Mintah Frank Anokye Frank Ampofo Anne Cooper Stephen Djaba Seth Okla Henry Okyere Eugene Owusu Koranteng Danso - Moktee Gordon Apenyo Hlorlelewu Patricia Anafi Owusu - Boolege Owusu Sekyere - sewaaah Gifty Odoi George Amoah Alex Onyinah ......................Please add on
Thanks Mr Appiah. No I am not familiar with web designing - I was thinking more of assisting in anyway possible. Hope you are not dissapointed.
Brethren (Ben & Collins), thanks for your support and for investing this power in me! Have tried to get in touch with the UK branch to no avail so I think it's probably best to start with our year group in the UK. I have contact details of some i.e. Pastor Robertson Kotey, Stephen Twum, Anita, Lina, etc. so will get to work. Am sure Mocktee will support me as we do our best for our beloved alma mater.
Belinda Ampofo is also in Germany so I will liaise with her too. Have you got Frank Sakyi's number please. Will liaise with you both via phone/mail next week.
To add on to the list ...............
Alice Temeng Belinda Ampofo Mark George ozawa Rosemond Gyimah Robertson Kotey Edith Abeaw Rebecca Akyeampong Stephen Twum me you (Collins) Gloria Otu-Danquah Grace Danquah Yaa Asantewaa Barning Charity Larbi .....................
Comfort Forson Beatrice Buah Vida Anim Ansah Bernice Djaba Agnes Owusu Eric Asiamah Richard Asare Juliet Amoabeng William Schanoff Mildred Anderson Victoria Oforiwaa -Kristo Afua Akyaa Micheal Adu-Mensah {Mancha}
Excellent guys!!! And Ms Asst. Webmaster, congrats on your new voluntary appointment.
I must confess that I am tempted to defer from my year group.............. Hey 1988, your pace is fast!!! Too fast for the rest of us!!! Engage some ''speed brakes''..!! Kudos!!!
P/S: My bit to the register: Derrick Bredu, Sefa Yeboah (Jnr King Googo)....
This is getting interesting by the minute. Very soon, class registers will be complete and we shall start bringing people from their hideouts to join this mission.
To continue with the names in '88':
Odame Darkwa Kingsley Mfum...........
Any comebacks on me coming out with the A'Level 88 list???
(Webmaster, I'm making use of your latest development of the web to the fullest......colours, fonts, styles etc..................Kudos, bruv!!!)
Officer, Sir, Permission to correct Sir. I think you are getting confused - Odame-Darkwa and Kinsley Mfum are 87. I think you are confused because of our affiliation to 87 i.e. "my double episode" in year 3!!!!
The A'Level list will be produced soon ....
Lovely to hear from you Mrs A-S Rosemond, you can be the deputy assistant webmaster will respond to yours properly.
Mr Gidie Obeng, point taken, love to Mr Ahern et al.
Thanks for the correction; you're sure 'on-the-ball'. The error might be due to a 'larium moment'. I've volunteered to help '87; that adds 2 to my list. Keep up the good work.
The pleasure is all mine Sir. Larium moment???? I am getting ideas - no not bad ones - just the side effects of a drug by the same name Have a good day.
Ok guys, appear please! The others are catching up, remember we are having fun but the focus is to get together/motivate us all to help our dearest and best Opass.