Love is in the air....... I am extremely excited finally the Year Group idea is underway.Look at how freely All are expressing themselves. This is a fantastic era, come and say whatever you want, free speech, democracy,we are all a big family, have fun & togetherness at St Valentine's Day.
February 14th is the day many remember their love ones, that is true, many would utilise this day to rekindle our loves,this is not the only day anyway,it should be at all times! Please let us project into the future of our dear OPASS as well.Any impending project on your agenda my Brothers & Sisters from USA on this impending re-union?(Pardon me with my Big mouth)I think you are the flagbearers of OPASS presently, so please use this status to initiate projects so we all could contribute.I and the cronies are ready to contribute nicely and join you.
The OPASS85.COM is dedicated to a late mate as Mr E. Perdison stated.I do not want to jot any memories on this but please, please be sensitive.I think, it could happen to anyone of us - God forbid anyway.If you have happened to be at Tafo on that fateful September 2006 day,I bet you, your suggestion could have been more than what I am trying to do.
Congratulation to Mr Perdison and Mr Apau for that breathtaking, and constructive analysis of the state of affairs.Balanced argument - excellent!
Thanks to Mr Awuah for responding affirmatively.One thing is, the Year Group links will definately improve communication channels as All could could see with the Year Group 88 presently.
I suggest we close this debate on Year Group thing now that many agree it is a nice to launch, and let us support Mr Awuah and OPASS North America.
Otis, Happy Valentine to you too; and to all Opassians.
May we continue to exude the love of St. Valentine towards one another and continue marching on as one people in our quest for the betterment of Opass.
Mr. Dokyi, you've really reminded me of those days in Opass when Valentine was only about our ladies avoiding communicating with any other guy (except God knows who....) on 14th February, until 1200hrs. Two female friends, DAL and DOA (they know themselves) did it to me and I got sooooooo.........hurt! I however understood the rationale years later.
Now it's a different ball game altogether and in Ghana, almost a festival of RED.
Eric, “..You make me laugh enough to drive me into distraction….” Haven’t you forgotten about that episode? We nearly got in trouble for not answering questions in classroom because of Valentine’s Day “kids’ myths”. Thank God we know better now. We could have lost a dear pal. Remember the “obonkwan episode too? See you at the reunion.
Folks, it’s been a wonderful discussion and as was rightly pointed out, it takes a group of people of a like mindset to achieve anything meaningful in such a course. Let’s keep up the pace.
On the question of impending projects: during the last number of months, the association concentrated on getting our documentation together, and then embarked on membership drive, which I must say that we’ve done well.
The big goal is to help with the long awaited assembly hall at OPASS. Meanwhile donations are being solicited from companies to donate used computers to refurbish the computer lab. We need everyone’s help in this area. We are still “knocking” from door to door and I believe most of us work in companies which occasionally donate such items to nonprofit organizations. So be on the lookout.
Generally, contributions and pledges are ongoing. We are working on making our account number public to enable contributions no matter one’s residence. Additionally, we are looking at making it possible for people to donate online by credit card or via pay pal. We will keep you posted.
This year’s reunion is slated on the 26th May, as already announced. Our meeting will be centered on how to make the association stronger and better, how to generate more funds, adoption of our draft constitution and elections, among others. It is our prayer that each and every class would be represented by at least 5 mates. It’s therefore the duty of each and everyone who wants us to succeed in our quest to give back to OPASS to propagate this message. We’ll ask that each of us contacts our mates, friends and spouses who are in positions to join us, to do so. Together we can do more than we can ever dream of. Take care and don’t forget to give us the opportunity to keep this effective communication and discussion going. Thank you folks. Kind regards.