Hi Folks, It is a long time i visited the site but was very excited about the formation of the 88 year group. i believe our year group is very dynamic and therefore we should be a force to reckon with.Once the group is formed, we should select a project,i.e the school library ,for instance and restock it for the kids to utilise it. i think we have to contribute to the school to befit modern educational standards. Let us all contribute for a worthy course. I'll also volunteer in the organisation of the group. My regards to all the 88 year folks.Maybe we should think of those who joined us in the sixth form(90)
As mentioned in the 88 year group topic you can be the deputy assistant webmaster then. Many thanks for volunteering too.
Your suggestion for a project is great too cos as you rightly said we are dynamic plus link up with each other. The focus is on our pride and joy - OPASS. Anyone who wants to join us is welcome, we are nice so over to you 90 A'Levels.