Hi Friends , I have been soo excited to get in touch with you all. All thanks to Joe Donkor "Opruo" I hear he is a pastor now and needs some respect and dignity to operate as such.
Please lets here from you. From the forum We can talk to Comfort Nkantabisa who is Mrs. Bournor I hope My speelling is right. I hear 'Pimpilimpi' is in the UK, please can any one get him here? What about Moshoshoe?( Jacob Amoah) As for "Agwaw" my own son and friend at school, he is in the US.
Hey Guys do you remember Anikolapo, and sir 'Nevada' he was in the Buz Class, I mean Toni Fela he would say 'Blably' for Bravely' Toni Fera and he responds 'Ohhh Bloda' I hope he does not find this one. Where is Elkana? Where is Chana?
Confusious (sammuel Dkyem) is in Ghana but where is the guy who later became TK ( Owuo). Where Is Ernest Antwi Gyimah. Where is my Friend "Golata" I am not sure he finiseh with us? and Benedit Poku where is he?
Apilogo is in the US so please let me know where I can Fine Slim Buster?( Nana Boateng) I hear Doris Oparebea is in France Can any one link me Up? Hope to here from You. Have a great Day. Yaw Afrifa
Remember you have been one of the 'lost sons' to this group and I am happy we got you here at last! Give a big shout to our Webmaster, Mr. Ben Awuah (and of course to his able volunteered lieutenants), Messrs Charles Arthur (a very senior) & Collins Boafo, Sister Selina Fenteng and all other Opassians - both home and abroad - who make things tick.
This is the other reason for this whole thing of "Old Boyism" (pardon me ladies, I don't have any other word that connotes you are also included); the predominant reason, is to uplift the image of our dear Opass so it will be the best or among the best.
Now it's our turn to bring other Opassians (not necessarily our year group) to be associated with this great mission. Our time, our ideas, our contributions (both in cash and kind) are all invaluable. Let's get them on and we shall surely get there...........