Many thanks for these leads.Compee, I will call Sisi in a moment. Who is this Mr. Miss, Ms, Mrs., Dr etc, etc Anonymous? well, many thanks to you anyway though you wouldn't want to mention your name.
Please let us try and make this great site more resourceful! Speed is of the essence here.
Dokyi, It has been 26 years since I last saw you!!! It was June of1982 to be exact! how are you? I was in Ghana for Christmas in 2006. I met up with Pat and Ebo Awere as well as Rosemary Amoah. We had a great time. What have you been up to? Where are you living. I was told that you were in the United Kingdom somewhere. Get in touch soon. You can reach me at or at 310-946-6644. I look forward to hearing from you. Sam. K.
Goodness!!, Oh my God!!, many many thanks for linking up with me.Are you still in U.S.A.? Goodman. Honestly, please open your email and let us chat more there.I will be calling you at some point today.
I would be glad to see your "back bush" again or it's gone now?
Nice to see your visit to Ghana pictures.Wonderful to see Uncle Obo (Awere), Rosemary Amoah, Patrick Owusu Ansah and yourself. It is always nice to visit home.
You are really a goodman to visit OPASS Campus after all these years and taken all this historic pictures.
I also want to become a reputed lawyer now. Best thing about my preparations for entrance is Mobile Bar Review Courses joined few days back. Understanding their facts and method of teaching a lot. Also the doubt classes they provide for weaker sessions are appreciative. Will continue with them till the day of exam.