This is our final invitation for you to join us on our 3rd annual reunion in OH.
One of our goals this year is to educate ourselves in a few areas or issues we often deal with. The plan is to find volunteers from members (Mpaninfoo) in the following areas of profession for brief presentation/talk:
- HEALTH Major health issues that Ghanaians need to be concerned about. - INSURANCE Understanding Automobile, Homeowners & Life Ins. policies - MORTGAGES Financing, refinancing and related issues, pitfalls, etc. - 401K & ROTH IRA An overview. - COMPUTER SYSTEMS SECURITY The Internet and your personal information - - TAX RETURNS Navigating through the tax codes and the process. - SHIPPING TO GHANA Planning, Preparations, Dealing with Customs, etc. - THE COLLEGE ADMISSION PROCESS & FINANCIAL AID - Available scholarships for minorities . Currently we need volunteers in these areas:INSURANCE, MORTGAGES, 401K & ROTH IRA, TAX RETURNS, SHIPPING TO GHANA, THE COLLEGE ADMISSION PROCESS & FINANCIAL AID Please let us know by Thursday if you can help and or any other areas you'll like to share with the group. Note: Please note that our program is in two folds. The first part (6pm-8pm) is for Mpaninfoo only - (the kids can join us) - This is when we get to discuss OPASS issues.
Thank you very much. I wish Gods traveling mercies and richest blessings. Kind regards.