The 3rd Reunion at Columbus, Ohio is now in the history books, but I am already jumping the gun and thinking about next year. God willing I know all will be well again. On behalf of all the people who had fun, please allow me to say THANKS A MILLION to the Columbus organizing commitee, namely DR AND MRS KINGSLEY LARTEY, MR AND MRS YAW TAKYI, ELSIE AND GINA ABU, plus our great hostess SISTER RITA & Co. GOD BLESS YOU ALL FOR THE TIME, FOOD, DRINKS AND THE FUN THAT YOU PROVIDED. Such good deeds are never forgotten.
Can you please post the Reunion pictures on the net for those of us who couldn't attend to view. I am dying to see them.Hopefully I will be able to attend next year. Keep the up the good work Edna and co.
I couldn't make it to the reunion. Once again thank you all for putting up a wonderful program. Hopefully I will join the program sometime next year. Good job Team.