It is rather unfortunate that in recent times some mpaninfuo are making it early to their graves. Albert Adusah's death is really a shocker dying at the age of 35. In november 2008 another opassian aged 34 also lost her life after a short illness. I am talking of Henrietta Donkor aka Ataa Asomaniwaa (Mrs Henrietta Gyebi Adjei) - 1987-1992 year group, who resided in Koforidua. Early on in the same year 2008 another young lady also in her mid thirties passed away by name Linda Obiri Mante ( 1986-1991 year group) also Of Koforidua. These ocurrences sadden me a lot but also urges me to live all my life for CHRIST. I urge all mpaninfuo out there who do not yet know christ to make that bold decision of accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Personal Saviour. When you have him even when death comes your way your assured of a better life when he comes in his glory. Repent for the kingdom of God is near. 1John 5:12 says "he that has not the son has no life." and John 10:28 says " i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hands". Make the decision now! Tomorrow may be too late.
Im not an Opassian but I want to know which Henrietta Ataa Donkor died in 2008. Is it Henrietta who had a twin brother and lived at adweso estates?. Please I need a reply to this.Thanks.