Fellow Mpaninfoo, As we celebrate Memorial Day, (I know you may have heard this many times today), let's take a moment to remember and honor the many people who have given their lives in the defense of the freedoms we enjoy.
Also, let's not forget to honor those who contributed - in many different ways - to pave the way for us to be where and what we are today; Parents, family members, teachers, friends, mentors and - yes the various institutions involved - and for that matter OPASS.
As many of us at this forum are aware of, our organization (OPASS Alumni Assoc. of NA) is meeting in just a few weeks in VA. We need your participation and involvement in making the numerous (good) intentions we have for OPASS a reality. We need you to register, acquaint yourself with our constitution - and come prepared to vie for the any of the various positions available. We need everyone on board in our quest to help "build" OPASS. We can and must do more to help....