The re-union was great, those who were not able to come did miss a wonderful moment, I hope by God grace next year each and every mpanifoo in North America will be able to attend the 5TH re-union.
Mpanifoo, those who were not able to attend re-union, the main topic was to build our assemble hall before the OPASS 50, Therefore there some pledges going on, Mpanifoo please get in contanct with Sister Edina Takyie, and show your appreciation to the school. Just think OPASS, had made you who you are today, giving back $50 or more to OPASS Should not be a problem for all mpanfoo in North America or else where.
Thanks for the Mpanifoo, who voted me as the PRO, of the Association. And I promised I am going to perform my job discription very well to bring the association up to the next level. I am mostly concerned about the OPASS 50. I am sure all Mpanifoo are in the same boat. Please bring ideas and contribution to OPASS 50.
Thanks for finally agreeing to idea of seeing to the completion of the Assemble Hall project. We will need enough contribution to be able to mobilise the contractor to the site, so I will edge all true sons and daughters of Opass to truely and effectively stand up and be seen. At least a hundred dollar from each from as many old students as possible will help. at least those of us back here in Ghana are prepared to contribute a minimum of GHC 100.00 or more. I hope you will pick up the challenge. HIP, HIP HIP, HURRAY.