Hi Folks, I'm deeply humbled by the fact that my name appeared in the list of 'Great Men'. Opass, actually, made us into what we all are today. From a very humble beginning, some of us went thru' OPASS without knowing where it was going to land us. I can say for sure that I'm proud to have attended OPASS. Folks what's happening to the Ghana Chapter of the Association. I attended the meeting a couple of times and the subsequent ones I went with Nutsuklo was a disaster. Whoever is in charge of the Ghana Chapter should re-organize it for us. We are really ready to contribute in cash and kind to support OPASS. I hope this plea will be treated with the urgency it deserves. My contact: gammellus@yahoo.com
Hi Gamel, thanks for your call for the re-organization of the the opass Ghana charter. I am inviting you to help me organise our colleagues. You may contact me at Ghana International School at Cantoments, at the Primary Section, or contact me on the ff#s- 0208110264, 0262183908,0244183908. I hope to hear from you soon Charles Arthur- Sandy