Dwen na Som - Regardless of your year of graduation from our beloved OPASS, I bet you still remember the motto. Sure, most of us find the first part of the axiom dwen rather easy to follow in our daily lives; its the second part som (serve) that we often find all kinds of excuses not to live by. Well, think of another old Akan adage that says baanu so a emia, or the old English proverbs Unity is strength; United we stand., Two heads are better than one. You get the point!
OPASS needs you! Mpaninfo in North America Need You!! Come Join Us!!!
Its simply not enough to register at our website. We need you to play active roles in your association. Please, join us so that together we can mobilize and utilize our individual talents and resources in our efforts to som our alma mater (OPASS) and give back to her in special ways.
Dwen and remember the institution that gave you a solid academic foundation that has contributed in making you who youre today. Come join an exciting association; meet your former secondary school mates, socialize and have fun during our annual general meetings and proposed regional quarterly meetings. Above all, support a worthy course by helping to enhance teaching and learning at OPASS for current and future generations. Make a Difference Today!
Visit our website //www.opassians.org/ and add or update your personal particulars Mail your dues ($10/month) ASAP to P. O. Box 4341, Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 (Please make check payable to: OPASS Alumni Assoc. of North America) Invite other mpaninfo in North America to join the association Contact any executive officer with any questions you may have (refer to the membership list at the website for contact information)
Thank you. Long Live OPASS! Long Live Mpaninfo!!
Posted: 10/31/2009 Major (Rtd) Fred Twum-Acheampong President