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Post Info TOPIC: Lost Frend

RE: Lost Frend

Please Sis. Edna don't end it, don't close the docket yet until Mr Gideon Obeng pays the fine , then. the docket can be closed!smile.gif

D D (83)

RE: Lost Frend

Hi Mr. Gideon Obeng, the year is almost ended-i've heard nothing from you yet.If it stays much longer, this amount you owe, i hope, should attract an interest . I hope everyone may agree to this. No one has the money, but you must try much harder.I wish everyone of you, a prosperous and a happy NEW YEAR. God bless you all to achieve your heart desire and have a wonderful year.

Edna Takyi

RE: Lost Frend

DD, you can't wait to resume this "fight" can you? Please give the man a little bit time

to sought himself out. This "fight" cannot be fought from Ghana, please. Hope to hear

from you when you come back.

DD(83 H2)

RE: Lost Frend

Sister Edna, this is just a reminder. I promise, there isn't gonna be any fight anymore .You know, the year is almost ended , procrastination is a thief of time, so as i have already indicated , this is just a REMINDER okay. Be rest assured that nothing is coming up. I may probably REMIND him next year.Thanx so much for prompting me. I love you so much for that. Have a GOOD NEW YEAR.

Gideon Obeng

RE: Lost Friend

Hi Doris Darkwaa,
I seriously wonder why you keep on like this;No one knows who DD is and you have started again after where we left off last year even after my new year resolutions not to reply,I am now tempted to in high spirit invigorated by 2010, my year of a new beginning.I am a millionaire but my secretary who keeps track of my expenditure is still out of the country on holidays and I have promised Auntie Edna that money will soon flow and be remitted to her in the name of OPASS.
You paid what you were due last year and even much more.Let me ask you this question Doris;was is because of what transpired that quickened you to pay or are you used to paying your dues towards the development of the Association every month?if the former then,we need to do this more often in order to raise funds for our school.
I have made my intentions known to Auntie Edna of paying up and as much as soon as possible but wonder each day how you are able to know that I have not paid.Do you have an insider within the corridors of the finances of the Association like the FBI,KGB,MI5,BNI or is it the Auntie herself briefing you now and then of my not paying yet?.Mind you,I am tempted at times and this year especially, to seek redress from the law courts as regards your assumptions that I have not as at now paid my dues.How could you know?On the other hand,I rest my case because I am a peacemaker,loving and considerate.I might possibly require the expertise of your husband to win my case if so be.Are you surprised!!!Walls have ears!!!It is possible to win my case trust me.Come again Doris.God bless you and it is nice to hear from you.This journey has not ended afterall.We have a long way to go till December....I was lost, now I am found,was blind, but now I can see.Good day.

DD(83 H2)

RE: Lost Frend

Hi Gideon Obeng,at long last, i'm glad to hear from you again. Soon the Association i hope is gonna get a lot of money from you 'cos you have so much. Get to your question if this prompted me to send the money-NOP! I had already promised a check b4 then, you can inquire if you wish. Who told you my better half is gonna assist you in this- noway he dare not. You brought this upon yourself , who do you think should deliver you from it -YOURSELF MAN. There is no insider giving me any info, everything is on board as you know. If you had paid ya fine, we could have seen it long time ago,'cos i asked for no closure to this case but there was no response from you . Mr Lawyer, go back and read your script again that was sent to the attorney general's office way back last year. Anyway, as you indicated being a cash man. one secretary shouldn't be enough for you , like Bill Gates, he doesn't delay at all in dispensing cash.To be sure that i don't bug you again, i'm a moneygram agent, call your bank, send the money thru , i'll collect and send money order to the assoc. To be frank with you , this is also a good avenue to collect money for the school. Who told you my husband is an attorney? Walls may have ears but it doesn't matter to me at all, let the ceilings have eyes. Can you give me a date for the settlement? I rest my case.


RE: Lost Frend

Hi Gideon Obeng the MILLIONAIRE, as you said you are.I've waited for so long for your reply but to no avail. I wonder if you sleep well after bosting of being a milionaire you still owe GREAT OPASS- so bad. I know you are proud of OPASS, but you are not showing it enough in kind. Even this site involves money, why don't you go in for a part-time job and pay your share if your so called secretary is not available at this time?I know i work hard for every dime i earn, go teach the kids around your hood , get some cash, pay your share , then i'll stop bugging you. Now i challenge you, if you settle your share and add more, i'ii double any amount that you add as an extra cash for GREAT OPASS okay. Should i come again? After dues, fine etc add extra amount to whatever you pay- i'm gonna double it to raise funds for OPASS if you deem it GREAT. We need money for the school, talking without action is bogus. Hope to hear from you ASAP!


RE: Lost Frend

Hey Gideon, where are you-hiding?That's a shame. Man of your calibar should have come out clean. The way you talk doesn't measure up at all from your pocket. Pay your debt and be free okay. Can you send to me your phone #? What year did you graduate from Opass, by the way-1978,80,90? I found about 13 of the G. Obengs on facebook, which one is yours? Hear from you ASAP. You gonna hear from me next week if i get no response from your end. Bye for

Mavis Okyere

RE: Lost Frend

Hi DD, are you in love... looking for Gideon on facebook???
well I hope you are not starting a new fight. If you've been able
to pay yours.. Opass thank you for that.. Well done. We all have our
problems being it family, office, social so stop that pulling your leg
behavior. What ever we do it should come from our heart not to show off or
please human beings. The way you are behaving shows that your donation
is just for a show not really from your heart. I silent giver is the true giver.
All these noise for people to know that you have paid is not necessary.
Opass need money but we don't expect our Mpayimfo to brag on this forum how much
and how much more they contribute. Thank youno.gif


Lost Frend

Hi ,Ms Mavis , I'm so sorry you are involving yourself in this , please i don't want you to unless been bribed by the guy. Please , please , please he knows how to talk more than you. Sorry it's not your fight so leave us alone. Thanks so much .disbelief.gifYou forgot your year.

Anita Osei Wusu

RE: Lost Frend

DD, I think May is right
II don't think your noise
will force Gedion to pay.
He can decide to pay or
not to. I don't know either
of you but your behavior
is out of ordinary.

If you are in love just come out
and say itbiggrin.gif

Hello Gedion b'cos of DD's behavior
I'm ordering you NOT to pay the money.
I think DD just want you to call her and say
"Sweetie can please pay my dues for me" lol
But seriously Whoever you are Gedion don't pay
Let DD wait for Gedion reply untill thy kingdom comes.
I'm out


RE: Lost Frend



Status: Offline
Posts: 4
RE: Lost Friend

Hello Doris Darkwaa,
I have been trying to post for the past weeks and got fed up because some of my pieces submitted to web administrator for scrutiny were not posted apparently.They were not offensive,neither were they discriminatory towards anyone I believe,but for some reasons they were not posted and I wonder if the same happened to others as well in the course of posting on the forum in the past weeks.
Anyway if you care to know,I am domiciled in the Republic of Ireland and cannot wait to get to the Valentine Bash in London next week being organised by the esteemed new executives in the United Kingdom(not United States)and wish you could make it.I am ready to get you a flight down to Babylon for sure.I am a man of peace and ready therefore to support the cause of OPASS through the U.K Branch.
You call yourself D.D and still do even after we have gone through those lengthy responses and debates about not knowing who someone might be,by mere initial vis-a-vis Anonymous names.I sometimes am tempted to post your name as Doris Dankwah or Doris Darkwah and others.Please follow the required norm on this cherished forum to address yourself and not pretend that because you are special(you think) on the forum,everyone should supposedly know you.You have also not been heeding to my advise of proof-reading your posts by previewing before submitting them.
I would kindly advise that you check with the U.K Branch of my support to the Association next week or yet still, since you have some money to splash out,I would not be bothered if you would pay up mine up there and I pay here as well just to support OPASS euro for dollar.
I have not in any way bribed someone to bail me out but you can sense that even most of the ladies are on my side now and I can easily win any judicial proceedings against you hands down.I have asked my lawyers to proceed to the law court to clear my hard eaned name that you have so much tarnished on this forum without me commenting this far.It is torturing,disheartening,precarious,humiliating from your base.Very soon you will hear from them.By the way you can check me on facebook by searching GIDEON OBENG ADUASARE and believe you me,I am ready to accept you as a friend sincerely on facebook,and I completed OPASS in 1987;That makes me a bit older.I hope someone is not upset about this whole forum postings.Enjoy reading and please Doris, come again for I am now ready for you if in all situations considered, this piece gets approval and posted by the web administrator.Thanks so much Sister Mavis,Auntie Edna and all ye ladies fighting for me behind the scenes.God richly bless ye all.

Edna 82/84

RE: Lost Frend

Dear DD and Gideon,

I tried so hard to calm you guys down but I see you are all ready to go at it again. I'm staying neutral and hope that when tempers cool down, Opass will be the only one who won this "fight".


RE: Lost Frend

Gideon, I wonder why you can't accept the name DORIS DARKWAA, but rather DANKWAH,DARKWAH etc etc.i feel everyone is special so that makes me feel sooo special too. I had to explore all avenues to get a reply from you, it's rather sad you call yourself a peace-maker, really I don't see peace what-so-ever in what you've written, do as you say. I'm truly glad you wonna contribute to the U.K Branch as you go bashing on V'day. All I need from you is the fine you've not paid, I feel really cheated 'cos you contributed to the major part of this problem . Anyway. that day is just at the corner I'll personally congratulate you when you fulfill that obligation. Being supported by "some ladies" is non of my lookout, I follow my heart and the principles of life(DO UNTO OTHERS.........). Everything about what you've written depicts "fight". Obviously, you felt humiliated, etc etc , that's exactly what been doing to me all along, when the shoe fits wear it.You boost of being computer genius, eloquent and everything, you'll meet your match one day, 'cos I'm not, so far as what I want to pass on comes across that matters to me.You sarcastically mentioned "if u have money to splash out" is offensive to me.
Anything about OPASS should be like our obligations to fulfill. the school is gonna be there for our generations to come, whether you contribute openly or secretly doesn't bother anyone since it's not an orphange nor non-profit organization. All these celebrities give to entice others to follow towards a worthy cause. I wish I have money. Your latter lady sounded like a toddler.
The bottom line is, I'm not here to put anyone down , but if you do that to me I MUST retaliate. I'm waiting for you on the court proceedings, tell your attorneys to speed up the process, unless they are invisible.Mr So Called Peace-maker no more cheating. I want u to read from me GOOD JOB, then the chapter ends. Have a good time.

Felicia 1977-1982

RE: Lost Frend

Hi Gideon, I was looking forward to meeting at the Opass UK reunion but am sure u couldn't make it.What happened? You can still send your contribution to me or any of the executives members. U can also give us your email address to be able to contact you.


Status: Offline
Posts: 4
RE: Lost Friend

Hello Auntie Felicia,
Sorry that I could not make it to the Valentine Re-Union in the UK.I had all my tickets ready but then something unexpected happened.I am not ready to discuss here and would be able to send you e-mails from Ryanair pertaining to my flight itinerary from Shannon Airport,Ireland to Stansted,UK and back.
I can be contacted on or 00353868039204/00353656797010 and on facebook: gideon obeng aduasare.I wil be able to remit my contribution to a worthy cause.I may have promised to be there but seriously something happened but I am all well and hearty.Thanks so much Felicia and please get in touch.God bless you richly.


RE: Lost Frend


Kwame Sefa

RE: Lost Frend

please no more Anonymous
I ordered Gideon not to pay.
B'cos it will look like pleasing some
people. Felicia I don't think its only G
who couldn't attend. How many
of those who couldn't attend have
you sent a note on this forum to
let everybody know that Mr or Mrs
so so and so couldn't made it.
well over to you all. Thanks


Status: Offline
Posts: 4
RE: Lost Friend

Hello Kwame,
I really appreciate your piece so much.For once I thought I was a loner after all the talk and not going to the re-union.I would be happy if anyone can send me their email address for me to send them my flight itinerary for the day to prove my determination to go but something happened.I intend to send some money for sure towards the Association but just as Kwame said,you guys need to allow everything to come honestly out of me but not from being pushed.It then becomes an obligation and believe you me,it is not everyone who contributes on this esteemed forum that contributes towards the Association.I will heed to my call and send it soon.Please Kwame thanks so much for the response and please Auntie Felicia,get in touch with me through the mediums I gave out.Thanks so much.

Felicia 77-82

RE: Lost Frend

Hi Kwame, i think your response was a bit harsh. The reason why i contacted Gideon was because my friend Edna spoke to him and told me he was coming, i was therefore looking forward to see him on that day.Please can you think about what your write in future, so that no one gets offended. I didn't have Gideons contact details, that is why i wrote to him on this forum. Anyway i have been able to contact him and from now on whatever goes on will not be made public.
We wouldn't mind if u send us your dues.It doesn't matter where you are, u can send it to any of the executive members of the association at where u r.. No amount is too small. Remember it's all for the welfare of the OPASS. Take care and God bless.

Kwame Sefa

RE: Lost Frend

Yeah Felicia, if you don't have Gideons contact details, I think the best thing is to ask from this forum. People do come here looking for lost friends contacts. Since G is a regular visitor on this forum he would be glad to send you his contact. I also would like you to think carefully on your future postings not to hurt or disgrace someone. Don't think you'll be happy to be in G shoes. Thanks

Nana Ama Bonsu

RE: Lost Frend

Olala!!!!wink.gif All are at fault including Mr & Mrs. Anonymous. Despite our differences we are all OPASSIANS (Mpayimfo). Lets show some maturity in our future postings.
Thank you!!!


RE: Lost Frend

I agree with you Ama.
Kwame u can contact me by email, uk to discuss any issues you disagree. I never intended to disgrace anyone but am sorry if that's how u feel. Gideon never complained and i don't think i was disrespectfull to him.
Please get in touch with me , better still u can give me your number if u don't mind. I will be happy to call and discuss any issues u r not happy with.


Status: Offline
Posts: 55
RE: Lost Frend

Hi Gideon,
Greetings brother. I thought this issue "fight" ceased when edna "pleaded" for peace some months ago. Honestly, I've not revisited this thread for a long time therefore....

- Ref: "I have been trying to post for the past weeks and got fed up because some of my pieces submitted to web administrator for scrutiny were not posted apparently.They were not offensive,neither were they discriminatory towards anyone I believe,but for some reasons they were not posted and I wonder if the same happened to others as well in the course of posting on the forum in the past weeks" -

is news to me. Our forum is not censored in any way. Postings can be edited and or deleted but that is posible only after an item is posted. I wonder what the problem might be but it didn't come from us (admin censorship).

I hope this fight is over. Have a great week. Take care.

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