On behalf of the executive members, I wish to thank the foregoing president Mrs Betty Mensah-Bonsu for her 12 years of long service to the OPASS UK community.
Your contributions have been well noted and we appreciate your outstanding services to our community. We still hold you in our hearts as an honourable OPASSIAN and wish you all the best in your future endeavours.
As the Acting President, I wish to admonish all OPASSIANS in UK and Ireland that the Executive would be meeting in early September to consider the plan of action for the organisation and also for the forth coming OPASS 50th Anniversary (Golden Jubilee).
Once the meeting is complete we would inform all OPASSIANS of the outcome.Any suggestions or ideas that you may have towards the 50th Anniversary please do not hesitate to let us know through a reply to this email and it would be considered and taken onboard.
Please lets all get involved to make our Alma Mater proud DWEN NA SOM.
Hi Sammy,one of our colleages by name Frank Nimako Acheampong 1993-96 has offered to help with the expansion of the dinning hall before school reopens for this academic year, and the school has requested old students to help with fifteen thousand cedis( 150,000,000.00 cedis). So we need all impaninfo to donate some money.