Ofori Panin Old Students Association (UK) 29 Aborfield, Peckwater Street, Kentish Town, London, NW5 2UD Tel: +44(0)7943534209
Website: www.opassians.org E-mail: opassassoc@yahoo.co.uk FAX: +44(0)700 6026844 20TH October 2011
Dear Mpanyinfo,
From the successful general meeting held on 16th October 2011, the following decisions were made;
a) Mr Samuel Bugyei (former President) would now take on the mantle as the Interim Leader of the association to conduct an electoral process to elect the permanent Executive of the association as required by the constitution.
b) Mr Samuel Bugyei would be supported by Miss Edna Sakyi and Mr Brakoh Asamoah (aka DK).
c) This committee will send out a communiqué to all members as soon as possible to announce the next meeting date and subsequent point of action.
d) The committee has the mandate to seek the assistance of any member as and when necessary to successfully carry out this transitional period.
e) All members are encouraged to cordially corporate with this committee to have a successful Electoral Process.
f) In the mean time any member wishing to attend the 50th Anniversary should make their intentions known to the committee so as to have a good representation at the ceremony.
Mr Samuel Bugyei can be contacted on 07946 076 283.
Many thanks to all Mpanyinfo for your support and patriotism.