guys the reunion was the bam, those who missed it dont worried, make it to the 8th re-union. We did have a lot of fun, thanks to the organizers, and special thanks to the keynote speaker , senior Doctor Jonny Amanyah and the wonderful wife, both old student for the post reunion branch and entertaiment. kudos all those who made it. I was happy to majority of the 85 year group, Adwoa Keni, Georgina Abu, Janet Ampadu and Emma Owusu, I hope to see more 85 group in the next re-union. Gina Abu and her Sister want to make it more more bam in Ohio, next reunion so start saving, it is going to be memorable one so dont miss it, more info coming......see you in ohio.
Spearman! Glad to hear you guys had fun! Wondering if you could please provide me with the contact details of Adwoa Kani and the rest of our year group. That would be appreciated. My email Thanks.