Dear Mpanninfour, I will like to know if the death of Christable Twum in Germany is really true. Please someone should tell me it is not true. Thanks. Regards, Edward.
The name sounds familiar. Could you please tell us the years that she was at Opass? Hope and pray, the stinky and sticky hands of death wouldn't be laid on her.
Hi all Its with great sadness I conform the story to be true. My dear sister Christabel departed us to be with the Lord. Thanks for your concern. She'll be laid to rest sometime next month
Just saw this. Can't believe it. I was trying to locate her on facebook some time ago. I know Christabel way back from Madonna school in koforidua and met her again at opass. She was a sweet & beautiful girl. So unfortunate to hear this. May she rest in perfect peace till we meet again.