From: Ben Awuah (on behalf of the Planning Committee)
Date: 27 February 2006
The date for our reunion is almost here but registration for the event is not encouraging. So far we have about 35 people on the list but we know from phone conversations that there is the need for us to plan and prepare for over 100 people. Although this anticipated number might be right, it is only when everyone registers and pays their fees that we can confidently prepare to host that number. In view of that we are urging everyone to register as soon as possible and also encourage those who are not on our mailing list to do likewise.
The registration fee, as discussed earlier is $100 per head but $120.00 at the gate if one failed to register in advance. We therefore advise that you register and pay on time to avoid the additional charge.
Consequently, we are taking this opportunity to call on those who have already registered to send in their fees as soon as possible. In the same way we urge those who have pledged various amounts toward our fundraising campaign to send them in. We've just received a $100.00 donation from Mr. Stephen Oduro. On behalf of OPASS, thank you Opanyin Oduro.
As usual, the planning committee is also working very hard towards the occasion, but without your participation we don't think much could be achieved, and therefore, please continue to spread the news to those who are not on our mailing list. Remember that without everyone's support/input there is no Association/Club. Your input therefore, is as precious as gold.
We hope to hear from you shortly. Have a great week.
PS: Please make out and mail your checks to:
Ben Awuah, 2145 Delta Drive # B, Colorado Springs, CO 80910