Did you know that OPASS lost another great son, Nuamah (1984/86), (sorry I've forgotten his first name), popularly known as Atilla Hayes, some 7 to 8 years ago? [I received the news from Mayfair Oppong-Antwi (1986) just after the funeral]. What did Atilla and Risky (whom we lost recently) have in common?
1. PREFECTS - Both were Dining Hall Precfects during their final years in OPASS (Risky taking over from Atilla).
2. JUMPERS - These gentlemen started as 'ordinary' students but in Form 4 decided to participate competitively in sports. Through sheer hardwork and determination, they trained on their own and attained excellence - Atilla became the No.1 high jumper for the school and Risky held a similar position in long/triple jump - and both continued as far as to the regional level (they were good academically too and it would be an understatement to say they were first class gentlemen).
3. DEMISE - Unfortunately, we lost these 2 great sons to 'the ugly jaws of death' (courtesy Otis) through road traffic accidents.
Well life goes on.........................We should not continue brooding over the vacuum their demise has created for us. Instead, we must endeavour to reach the heights these brothers attained in their rather short lives and, more importantly, go beyond. Yes, they died young but the impact they made on us individually and as a school, would be cherished forever.
May their souls rest in peace..........................and may their examplary lives goad us on to unite more as a family.
Let's prove this unity by "showing our presence" (through any means whatsoever) at the forthcoming Speech and Prize-Giving Day on 11 November 2006.
Snr Charles Arthur, Sis Selina, Collins et al, I SHALL BE THERE!!!!!!!!
You are right, these guys were gentle and hardworking but also remember that Atila was in house 2 whiles Offei was in house 3. Aslo Offei did science and Atila was a business student.
Any way remember to link us to all the old guys you will meet during the speech day.
kojo tete u are right.snr.atilla was my room mate for 2yrs his best friend samuel abrokwah alias sankoboko eric how are u? the last time we met was at 37 when u were then going under military training e~mail k.mensah04@yahoo.com or call me 0033668104444 merci mpaa tete
H'mmm Mpaa Tete/Nnaa Nkwanta, Connie, Are you my personal assistant,secretary or when did I appoint you to be my Lawyer.Eric,I have been in France for the past 14 years.Doris Oparebea and Snr.Edward Asante(Makroo) are also here.Anyway,the full name of Snr.Atilla was George Nuamah.He was very kind Guy.He assisted me a lot.It's rather unfortunate that we lost our two good friends as result of tragic motor accidents.Anyway, incase both desceased left behind wives and kids then there is a need for us to contribute something towards the widows mite.Damirifa due Atilla,Risky owuo kura adea nkwa ntumi ngye.Wishing all Opassians merry christmas and happy new year in advance.Eric E-Mail me and extend my greetings to Lilly Addison BYE KOJO
Let's communicate via e-mail (just sent one through to both you and your "personal secretary")
I was just about to ask Comfort to give details of her appointment as your "personal secretary" to Webmaster, for the information of the 'House'. Of all countries, how come you landed in France? I believe the first name that crossed your mind upon touch-down was Ms Evelyn Teye....(true or false?). Remember what we used to do in her French class?
On a more serious note, I learnt Opassians donated generously to Risky's family during the funeral. It's not too late if you want to contribute. You may contact Webmaster or Collins Boafo for details.......and any contribution you may have for Opass, our Alma Mater, too. After all, that's the big idea behind this whole venture.